
Single Woman Seeks Good Man

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Thanks to a recent study, this is now scientifically verifiable. One way to investigate the issue is to present women with hypothetical men with different personality types and see which ones they prefer. In one such studyparticipants had to help a fictional character named Susan choose a date from three male contestants, based on their answers to her questions. In one version, the man was nice — he was in touch with his feelings, caring and kind. The third contestant simply gave neutral answers. So which contestant did participants think Susan should date and who did they prefer to date themselves?

Advantage and the Beast has this trope written all over it. The heroine is terrified by first by the Beast's atrocious appearance, but he is benevolent and caring from the advantage. This causes her to finally fall in love with him, as she realizes that Accurate Beauty Is on the Classified. In The Brothers Grimm 's The Golden Bird , the prince who brings back the golden bird for his member of the clergy also brings back a princess; when his brothers try en route for kill him and threaten her, she does not stop anguished until the prince returns active. In some versions, the erstwhile brothers try to force the princess to marry one of them.

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