
Erogenous zones part 2: 11 super-sensitive body parts in women to experiment with for better sex

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But when it comes to erogenous zones—those crazy-sensitive hot spots that can take you from zero to gotta-have-it-right-now—your lips, nipples, and genitals barely scratch the surface. Your body is covered in highly sensitive areas you may never have even thought to explore. To take things up a notch in the bedroom, venture into some new erogenous zone territory. Female erogenous zones map 1.

We may earn commission from acquaintance on this page, but we only recommend products we adoration. You are probably aware so as to the nipple is also an erogenous zone for both men and women — cool, amazing, wow. Here are the areas she thinks you should abundant a little extra attention arrange tonight. The underside of your butt. Instead of having your partner dive straight for your clit and give you by word of mouth, for example, you can allow them trace one finger all along it, or [try] light kisses or licks and then act their way to vulva area, Marin suggests. The underboob. Cleavage is the star of a lot of an outfit, and nipples are endlessly pinched, licked, and sucked, but the underboob goes altogether but unnoticed. You can additionally have your partner lick this area with a long blow or in a circular action. The backs of your knees.

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Erogenous zones part 2: 11 super-sensitive body parts in women en route for experiment with for better femininity Whether or not you would like to think of it that way, sexual intercourse is a science. Whether or not you would like to assume of it that way, sexual intercourse is a science. Your skin is the largest appendage in your body and audacity endings are spread all above it: some areas have add of them and some allow less - this is can you repeat that? makes some parts of your body more sensitive than others. Representational image. Image source: Getty Images. Neck From blowing aerate onto the back of the neck to leaving love-bites all the rage the front, different people akin to different kinds of pressure arrange their neck during sexual action. This is, of course, anticipate to the many nerve endings present in the area. But your partner likes a agile touch, you can gently argument her scalp with your fingertips. If she prefers a firmer touch, try a little bit of hair tugging.

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