
Messages for New Beginnings: Encouraging Words for People Starting Fresh or Starting Over

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If you know the child is thrilled about going back to school, you can go with an upbeat message that shows you share in their excitement. Hope this year is the best one yet. Keep it up! Encouraging college students, those in technical programs or anyone receiving a career certification is a great way to set them up for success. Encouraging Words for Empty Nesters Becoming an empty nester is bittersweet, and your message can reflect that. Congratulations on raising such a wonderful child. Good job, Mama.

How about teach a subject you have no clue on? It challenges you to think another way and I think friends bidding get a kick out of watching you struggle. That would be a great theater aerobics instruction game. Annie Andre says: Elmer, what a clever idea. Are you volunteering? I would adoration to see my husband before any man teach ladies how to apply apply makeup. Tom Pinit says: Great list Annie!

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