
Changes in sexual function among midlife women: “I’m older and I’m wiser.”

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Open in a separate window Procedures We recruited a convenience sample of participants from various venues e. Trained recruiters approached Black men who appeared to be at least 18 years old. Two trained Black men conducted each of the six focus groups and served as note-takers during the groups. The groups, which were digitally recorded, ranged in length from 70 to minutes and included on average, seven men. The interview guide approach provides for topics and issues to be outlined in advance and grants facilitators the flexibility to decide the sequence and phrasing of questions Patton To lead the discussion about ideologies of masculinity, a black male facilitator provided each participant with a piece of paper divided into two columns. Sample questions about sexual risk asked men to define sex, risky sexual behaviour and rules that Black men had about sex. In qualitative research, saturation describes the point at which new themes or ideas cease to arise in the data Charmaz It was still unclear, however, whether or not participants in the first four groups perceived the masculinity ideologies that they discussed to be relevant to Black men, a key focus of our research, or to men in general.

Conceptual Objective Women experience a array of changes at midlife so as to may affect sexual function. Methods Interviews and focus groups were conducted by a trained catalyst using a semi-structured guide. Altogether data were audio recorded after that transcribed. Two investigators used a subsample of data to iteratively develop a codebook.

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