
The Case for Hiring Older Workers

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There are certain things in life worth waiting for. A really awesome guy is one of them. Unfortunately, our world has devalued the art of waiting. And for teenage girls eager to fall in love, that eagerness can get the best of them. They may chase the boys they like instead of waiting for the right boys to chase them — and then wonder why their relationships are empty, short, and shallow. If you have a daughter, it may frustrate you to see the new breed of aggressive females being cultivated and encouraged by our society. They are bold and forward in interacting with the opposite sex. They text boys constantly and seek attention in all the wrong ways. It can lead girls to lower their standards and behave in ways that make them look bad and, ultimately, feel bad about themselves.

By no means married, she has a daughter James, now 13, by a man she parted from ahead of her son was born. Ruthie has been looking for a boyfriend for the past decade. These chats were fun — and sometimes quite flirty — but if I ever suggested we meet, the men would often back off, saying they were not looking for a relationship. When she last registered with an online dating locate she was 44 — after that few men made contact. The imbalance, it seems, is as middle-aged men are looking designed for partners who are far younger than them. He is paunchy with grey chest hair after that not especially rich. He barbed me towards a research website called OkTrends, which draws arrange data supplied by more than a million members of OkCupid, one of the biggest dating websites in the world.

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